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  • Can you grow herbs indoors? The answer is: Yes! (Read on to find out what herbs thrive indoors)

    I mean, is that even a question? But if you really have to know, Yes, growing herbs indoors is achievable, and having these little pops of life around the house offers plenty of benefits. Here are four that I am confident would make sense to you as it does to me: It allows you to enjoy homegrown produce even if you have limited (or zero) yard space for a garden. Indoor herb gardening is a great option if you do not have a backyard, a roof deck, or a balcony because you would only need a sunny window to provide the necessary light for your plants to thrive. It is good for the budget. You won't have to keep adding chives and spring onions to the grocery list if they are right there in your kitchen now, would you? Or to have your cilantro/coriander and mint wilt within two days from your market run. Growing herbs indoors can add a dash of greenery and freshness to your interior, enhancing the aesthetics of your indoor living spaces. You can choose pots that add a pop of color to the room or keep it clean and neutral and let your plant leaves do the talking. You can pick a variety of planters, i.e., ceramic, terracotta, plastic, wood, or metal that will complement your style or theme. Feel free to get creative. It's fun. Checking on them every now and then or just to be able to see them thriving on your counter, quietly providing, it's a healthy and productive way to destress after a long day's work. It cuts the monotony of your daily routine and adds variety to your usual activities that is neither bank-breaking (i.e., endless partying, retail therapy, mindless online shopping) nor self-destructive (binging on drinks, food, drugs, doomscrolling). Affiliate Ad HURRY!!! Get your copy of bestsellers How to Grow Great Potatoes, Companion Planting for Veggies, and many more! Value Offer 1. You can purchase the authentic How to Grow Great Potatoes ebook for a special investment of $39.95 $14.95. Value Offer 2. PLUS you will receive TWO fantastic bonuses, absolutely FREE. Value Offer 3. Your purchase IS 100% guaranteed. Learn how to grow vegetables at home from best-selling author and world-renowned plant nutrition and disease expert, Lucia Grimmer, Msc! Tap the tab and links for deets What herbs can be grown indoors? Several common herbs thrive perfectly indoors and are well-suited for growing in pots or containers. Here are some examples: Basil: This herb is easy to grow indoors and requires ample sunlight. It adds flavor to many dishes and is commonly used in Italian cuisine. Basil leaves can elevate your regular pizza, pasta, salads, and dips. Rosemary: With its strong aroma and pine-like flavor, rosemary is a popular choice for both culinary and ornamental purposes. It thrives in sunny, well-drained conditions. Cilantro: Commonly used in Mexican, Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisines, cilantro is a fast-growing herb that can be harvested frequently. It prefers moderate to bright light. Chives: Chives are versatile herbs with a mild onion flavor. They are easy to grow indoors and can be used fresh or dried to enhance various dishes. It is a popular addition to many Asian and European dishes - talk about diversity. Oregano: This herb is known for its strong flavor and is commonly used in Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines. It requires bright light to thrive indoors. Parsley: Parsley is a popular herb used for garnishing and flavoring dishes. It grows well in bright, indirect light. Sage: This is an aromatic herb with a distinct flavor. It does well in well-draining soil and prefers bright light. Thyme: Thyme is a versatile herb known for its strong flavor and is a perfect aromatic for grilled/roasted meats. It requires plenty of sunlight to grow indoors so make sure they are placed right where the sun freely streams in. Mint: Perfect for hot teas, cool drinks, and for cooking. Place it where it gets enough sun and water only as needed. They are prone to root rot so try not to overwater them and make sure that your pot or soil is well-draining. You can grow some of these herbs straight out of the bunch you hauled off from the market. For example, rosemary, mint, and thyme can be propagated from the same cuttings that you buy from the market, while spring onions and chives can be grown from onions and garlic. In other words, you can grow herbs from your kitchen scraps. If you prefer a bit of a challenge, you may also buy seeds to plant and grow them yourself, learning from the experience as you go. You can get good viable seeds that usually come in small packets from the supermarket or from plant shops. It also comes with directions and plant care instructions which will (hopefully) make it easier for you. You can also opt to get seedlings that are ready to be taken home and repotted. However, if you don't want to go through the trouble of waiting for them grow (because it can take many weeks even months before you can reap your reward), grown ones are readily available from a local plant shop near you. Just make sure you get the plant care instructions right so that maintaining them at home will be a breeze. It is important to note, however, that each herb has specific care requirements. You can either label your pots or have a plant app ready to ensure you are providing them the care they need. This includes the ideal amount of light, water, and temperature the plant needs for it to grow healthy. Plants need patience and attention as with all good things. Understanding these requirements and providing appropriate care will help your little indoor herb garden thrive. Affiliate Ad HURRY!!! Get your copy of bestsellers How to Grow Great Potatoes, Companion Planting for Veggies, and many more! Value Offer 1. You can purchase the authentic How to Grow Great Potatoes ebook for a special investment of $39.95 $14.95. Value Offer 2. PLUS you will receive TWO fantastic bonuses, absolutely FREE. Value Offer 3. Your purchase IS 100% guaranteed. Learn how to grow vegetables at home from best-selling author and world-renowned plant nutrition and disease expert, Lucia Grimmer, Msc! Tap the tab and links for deets

  • Detoxification and Metabolism: Basic stuff to know about our liver and what it does for our body

    This post aims to educate in a simplistic approach, taking in the salient parts and breaking them down into digestible forms (much like how a liver functions, really). I will be heavily quoting the National Library of Medicine for this for very obvious reasons. Even though I have a degree, working knowledge, and experience in healthcare, I believe the following information has to come from the experts. What does our liver do for our body? Our liver is an important body organ that detoxifies our blood. That is general knowledge. But, medically, it is much more complex than that-- and learning about it gives us a renewed perspective when it comes to the issue of weight gain and weight loss. In a nutshell and in simple words, here’s what the liver does: “The liver converts the nutrients in our diets into substances that the body can use, stores these substances, and supplies cells with them when needed. It also takes up toxic substances and converts them into harmless substances or makes sure they are released from the body. Blood coming from the digestive organs flows through the portal vein to the liver, carrying nutrients, medication, and toxic substances. Once they reach the liver, these substances are processed, stored, altered, detoxified, and passed back into the blood or released in the bowel to be eliminated. In this way, the liver can, for example, remove alcohol from your blood and get rid of by-products from the breakdown of medications (among many others). The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes in the body. In fat metabolism, the liver cells break down fats and produce energy. The liver also plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins: liver cells change amino acids in foods so that they can be used to produce energy or make carbohydrates or fats. In the metabolism of carbohydrates, the liver helps to ensure that the level of sugar in your blood (blood glucose) stays constant. As well as sugar, the liver also stores vitamins and minerals (iron and copper), and releases them into the blood when needed.” Source: [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. How does the liver work? 2009 Sep 17 [Updated 2016 Aug 22]. Available from: Why is liver detoxification important for our body? As a living, breathing human, liver detoxification is an important process for the body. The liver is a versatile organ that performs many important functions, including detoxification. Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body, and the liver is an important organ involved in this process. It helps to filter out harmful toxins from the body and helps to keep the body healthy and toxin-free. The liver helps the body to break down the food we eat, and it also helps to metabolize medications and other drugs. It helps to break down harmful toxins that accumulate in the body. The liver also helps to eliminate certain hormones, such as estrogen, from the body. Studies have shown that high levels of estrogen cause obesity/weight gain, fibrocystic breast lumps, uterine fibroids, depression and anxiety in women, and breast enlargement, erectile dysfunction, and fertility issues in men (Additional reading: I have attached links below that will direct you to peer-reviewed medical articles). Additionally, the liver plays a role in regulating blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Overall, liver detoxification is an important process for our body. It helps to keep us in tip-top shape by filtering out harmful toxins and by helping to break down food and medications. It also helps to eliminate certain hormones that can be harmful in excess, as well as regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. If the liver is damaged for any reason, the body will not be able to function properly and optimally. Additional reading:,considered%20a%20female%20sex%20hormone

  • Here's a comprehensive 11-step guide on how to start your own garden at home - and earn from it!

    Gardening has made quite a comeback, especially among the TikTok and Instagram generation in recent years as evidenced by tons of gardening content going viral. Possibly also due to the restrictions brought on by the pandemic a few years ago, a lot of people turned their attention to growing their own food at home and being more productive and creative with their time through gardening. Fast forward to the present, many actually stuck with it! Which is not a bad idea at all, if you ask me. Benefits of Gardening According to the Mayo Clinic Health System, the benefits of gardening range from physical to mental to social. Here are some of them: Gardening improves mental health by reducing stress levels, lightening mood, and lowering anxiety. Tending to a garden is a great form of whole-body exercise that burns calories, and improves muscle tone, strength, and flexibility. Growing your own food gives us low-cost and easy access to nutritious organic fruits and produce. This hardly needs any explanation. Spending time around nature outdoors and breathing in fresh air has both the physical and mental benefits that you can’t ever get by sitting on the couch doomscrolling all day (sorry not sorry). Quick note: This post may include affiliate links to products that could earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to buy through one of those links. Thank you for your support. How to get started and monetize your garden in 11 steps Now, on to the (slightly) difficult part. It takes dedication and love for the craft, which is another way of saying it's not for everyone. The list may look intimidating at first glance but try not to be daunted by it. Remember that gardening at home is supposed to be fun and relaxing. My suggestion is to not overthink it and start your garden one pot at a time one, corner of your space at a time. You'll be getting the hang of it before you even realize it. So, without further ado, here's a comprehensive guide on how to start your own garden at home and earn money from it: 1. Start by Assessing Your Space and Resources Determine the size and condition of your garden space. If the space you plan to work on is large and unkept, begin from a manageable corner and work your way to the rest of it. On the other hand, if you don't have garden space but want to start one anyway, consider planters, hanging pots, and hydroponics (see pictures for samples). Assess the available sunlight, water sources, and soil fertility. For example, some plants prefer shade while others need full sunlight, some need lots of water while others can thrive with a few times a month watering or are drought-tolerant. Consider the types of plants that grow well in your region. Some plants are sensitive to climate and temperature. 2. Choose Plants That Can Be Profitable Research and identify plants that have a high demand and can be grown in your area. Consider growing vegetables, herbs, flowers, or specialty crops that are expensive or unique. Take into account the market demand and potential customers. 3. Plan Your Garden Layout Create a detailed layout of your garden, taking into account plant spacing and companion planting. Maximize your space by using vertical gardening techniques or small containers for compact plants. Consider incorporating raised beds or hydroponics to optimize plant growth. Aquaponics is also a great alternative if you are considering soil-less organic gardening. You can get more information on the aquaponic system of gardening here. 4. Improve Soil Fertility Test your soil for pH levels and nutrient deficiencies. Amend your soil with organic matter, compost, or homemade fertilizers to improve its fertility. You can use kitchen scraps to make fertilizers. Follow sustainable gardening practices to maintain soil health and prevent pests and diseases. 5. Start Seedlings or Buy Plants Depending on the plants you choose, start your seeds indoors or purchase plant starts from plant shops, nurseries, or garden centers. Ensure proper care and provide optimal conditions until the seedlings are ready to be transplanted or repotted. 6. Plant and Maintain Your Garden Follow planting guidelines specific to each plant, considering proper spacing, watering, and fertilization. Implement mulching to retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Regularly monitor your garden for pests and diseases, and apply appropriate controls if necessary. 7. Harvest and Preserve Your Crops Harvest your crops at the appropriate time to ensure peak flavor and quality. Use proper techniques for washing, handling, and storing your harvested produce to maintain freshness. Consider preserving excess produce through canning, freezing, or drying to extend the harvest season. 8. Explore Sales Channels Set up a roadside stand or create a small farm stand in your front yard to sell directly to the local community. Participate in farmers' markets or local festivals to reach a broader customer base. Consider distributing your produce through community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs or local restaurants. 9. Utilize Online Platforms Create an online presence through social media platforms to showcase your garden and products. Set up an online store or join existing platforms like Etsy, Marketplace, or other local online marketplaces to sell your produce. Offer delivery or pick-up options to make it convenient for customers to receive their orders. 10. Offer Gardening Services Share your gardening expertise by offering gardening services like landscaping, garden design, or consultations. Provide plant care services like watering, pruning, or pest management for busy individuals or businesses. 11. Expand Your Knowledge and Skills Continually learn and improve by attending gardening workshops, seminars, or online courses. Stay updated on the latest trends, market demands, and gardening techniques. Experiment with new crops, varieties, or growing methods to diversify your offerings. Remember, gardening at home and earning money from gardening can be very fulfilling but, as with all good things, it takes time, effort, and patience. Start small, learn from each experience, keep going, and gradually expand your gardening business. Enjoy the process and always maintain a passion for gardening, or any chosen endeavor! I hope this helped. Affiliate Ad HURRY!!! Get your copy of bestsellers How to Grow Great Potatoes, Companion Planting for Veggies, and many more! Value Offer 1. You can purchase the authentic How to Grow Great Potatoes ebook for a special investment of $39.95 $14.95. Value Offer 2. PLUS you will receive TWO fantastic bonuses, absolutely FREE. Value Offer 3. Your purchase IS 100% guaranteed. Learn how to grow vegetables at home from best-selling author and world-renowned plant nutrition and disease expert, Lucia Grimmer, Msc! Tap the tab and links for deets

  • Have your cake and eat it, too! Here are 7 fun hobbies that can make you money at home

    Note: This post may include affiliate links to products that could earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to buy through one of those links. Thank you for your support. I am going to make this quick. Money allows us the freedom to move around with relative ease and the comfort it buys for us is very much welcome. Naturally, we all have to make some. But it is not always possible. For some, there are various limitations that hinder us from getting into the (mostly-stressful-but-otherwise-lucrative-if-you-are-lucky) life of full-time employment. But we're not here to discuss those limitations. Nuh-uh. We're here to talk about possibilities. Here's a quick look at the things you can enjoy doing at home and earn from it. If you hit the sweet spot, these can sustain you for years, even generations, to come. There are A LOT of home-based hobbies that can be turned into sources of income and they can be quite profitable in the long term if done right and with the right attitude. Let me be clear, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. What I have on the list below all require not just skill but dedication, persistence, and patience. Here are some examples of hobbies at home that can generate a steady income for you: 1. Freelancing: If you have skills in writing, graphic design, programming, and other areas similar to these, you can offer your services online as a freelancer[1]. Many platforms, such as Upwork and Freelancer, connect freelancers with clients looking for their expertise. Fiverr, Toptal and PeoplePerHour are also some of the more common sites where you can register and build your portfolio [2]. You can also opt for a faster way to get started earning at Paid Online Writing Jobs writing articles and website reviews, as well as proofreading books and movie scripts. See if you qualify with a short quiz and take it from there. 2. Blogging: If you enjoy writing and sharing your knowledge or experiences, starting your own blog can be a great way to earn money. It takes time, for sure, unlike freelancing where you get paid for each project as they come. But if you can enjoy the journey, it'll be much more worth your time once the financial rewards come in. You can monetize your blog through ads, sponsored content, or selling products or services[1]. As a blogger, you are your own boss and you have so much more control over your working hours compared to freelancing. Affiliate Ad Looking for online social media jobs that you can do from anywhere in the world? Check out the links below: Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online 3. Handmade Crafts: If you have artistic skills, you can create handmade crafts such as jewelry, pottery, woodwork, or artwork to sell online through platforms like Etsy, Amazon, DeviantArt, Marketplace, Shopify, etc. This allows you to showcase and sell your creations to a wide audience, both local and global. If you are not skilled in art in the traditional sense, you can learn how to design digital products such as workbooks, planners and calendars on Canva and still make a good monthly earning from your online shops. Online courses, stock photos, music, tutorials, digital templates, and mobile apps are digital products that sell according to Shopify. 4. YouTube Channel: If you enjoy making videos, starting a YouTube channel can be a creative way to make money. You can post lessons and share knowledge through videos, or vlog/video blog, to create a following. Show off those cooking skills, woodworking and carpentry skills, or your experiences trading stocks and crypto to your subscribers! There is something for everyone. Similar to a blog, you can monetize your channel or vlog through ads, sponsored content, or by selling merchandise or digital products[1]. 5. Gardening: Home gardening these days is no longer limited to “green thumb” folks because there are plenty of gardening guides and information that can be sourced online to help you succeed with growing greens at home. While it is fun and often cathartic, gardening is also a great way to earn money in many ways. Selling photos of your plants can be profitable, as well as a blog or YouTube channel chronicling your journey. You can also sell plants and miniature gardens, indoor herbs, produce, and flowers. You can even teach gardening classes and start yoga lessons [3]. 6. Online Teaching or Tutoring: If you have expertise in a particular subject, you can offer online teaching or tutoring services. This can be done through platforms like VIPKid for teaching English, or even offering virtual music lessons or academic tutoring[4]. Affiliate Ad Looking for online social media jobs that you can do from anywhere in the world? Check out the links below: Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online 7. Affiliate Marketing: If you have a platform, such as a blog or social media following, you can earn money by recommending products or services and earning a commission on sales generated through your referrals[1]. Many companies, such as Nike, Urban Outfitters, Hugo Boss, and Shein have affiliate programs that offer a way to earn passive income. Amazon, eBay, Rakuten, and ClickBank are some examples of affiliate marketing networks that are popular at the moment. These are just a few examples of home-based hobbies that can be turned into a profitable income stream. Remember, it is important to explore and find a hobby that aligns with your interests and skills, as this can make the process more enjoyable and sustainable. Have fun monetizing your creativity! I am rooting for you. Sources: 12 Profitable Hobbies That Make Money (Start Today) - Shopify 16 Best Freelance Websites to Find Work in 2023 Make Money Gardening: 29 Ideas To Start Earning Now! 51 Hobbies That Make Money You Can Start Today - Well Kept Wallet Affiliate Ad Looking for online social media jobs that you can do from anywhere in the world? Check out the links below: Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online

  • I use Print-on-Demand services for my online apparel shop. Here’s how you can, too!

    Quick note: This post may include affiliate links to products that could earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to buy through one of those links. Print-on-demand (POD) is a popular option for starting a clothing brand online, especially for those who don't want to invest in bulk inventory upfront. Here's how you can find the right print-on-demand supplier: 1. Research reputable POD platforms: Look for established print-on-demand platforms that specialize in clothing, such as Printful, Printify, or Gooten. These platforms integrate with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Wix, or WooCommerce. 2. Evaluate product offerings: Review the range of clothing items, styles, and materials offered by each platform. Make sure they align with your brand's vision and target audience. Consider factors like fabric quality, printing techniques, and available customization options. 3. Compare pricing and profit margins: Understand the pricing structure and fees charged by each POD platform. Take into account the base cost of the products, printing costs, shipping fees, and any additional charges. Calculate your potential profit margins based on these factors. 4. Assess printing quality: Request if possible or buy samples from the print-on-demand platforms to evaluate the printing quality and durability. Ensure that the prints are vibrant, long-lasting, and meet your expectations. 5. Check fulfillment and shipping options: Look into the fulfillment process and shipping options provided by the POD platforms. Assess their shipping times, tracking capabilities, packaging quality, and reliability. Customers expect timely delivery and professional packaging. 6. Consider integration and user-friendliness: Explore the ease of integration with your chosen e-commerce platform. Check if the print-on-demand platform offers user-friendly interfaces, design tools, and mock-up generators to simplify the process of creating and customizing your products. 7. Read customer reviews and ratings: I find this very helpful. Research customer feedback and ratings for each print-on-demand platform. Pay attention to aspects like customer support, order accuracy, and overall satisfaction. 8. Evaluate customer support: Reach out to the platforms' customer support teams with any questions or concerns. Assess their responsiveness, helpfulness, and expertise in resolving issues. 9. Understand terms and policies: Carefully review the terms and policies of the print-on-demand platforms. Look for details on returns, refunds, order cancellations, and any potential limitations or restrictions. 10. Start with a small order: Place a trial order with the chosen print-on-demand platform to assess their service quality, order accuracy, and shipping speed. This will help you gauge the overall experience for your customers. Remember to prioritize quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction when selecting a print-on-demand supplier. It's also worth periodically reevaluating your chosen supplier to ensure they continue to meet your brand's needs. Ad Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online

  • Understanding Pet Parenting - a follow-up post

    Quick note: This post may include affiliate links to products that could earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to buy through one of those links. After my previous post, I received a pleasant surprise the following day from the gods of the pet universe: There was a stray cat outside my door! He was in bad need of food, shelter, shower and, I am quite certain, cuddling. He had crusty eyelids, a fresh wound under his right eye (which we found after grooming), matted fur, and frail bones that I could easily feel through his thick fur. Despite his condition, his demeanor was gentle and polite. I don't even know how to explain that. So now, we have a Himalayan, 2- to 3-year-old (according to the groomers, vet, and cat people who have seen him) male cat in the house, whom our senior shih tzu either love or hate, we can't quite figure it out yet. So I decided to make a follow-up post about pet parenting, and here we are! This time, we'll talk about different kinds of pets. They're not just pups and kittens, obviously. Like, did you know that pet chameleons are fast becoming a thing? If not, well apparently it is. And more importantly, let us revisit how exactly do you become a pet parent. Ad Travel rent-free as a House-sitter and Pet-sitter anywhere in the world! Worldwide housesitters and petsitters directory The different types of pets When it comes to being a pet parent, there are many different types of pets that one can choose from. Each type of pet brings its own unique set of characteristics and needs. There's more to add to the list below but here are some popular options: 1. Dogs: Known as man's best friend, dogs are loyal and loving companions. They require regular exercise, grooming, and training to thrive. 2. Cats: Independent yet affectionate, cats make great companions for those who prefer a more low-maintenance pet. They need proper nutrition, playtime, and a clean litter box. 3. Birds: From parakeets to cockatoos, birds add color and melody to our lives. These feathered friends need a spacious cage with toys and mental stimulation. 4. Fish: Aquariums filled with vibrant fish can be mesmerizing to watch. Proper water conditions and feeding schedules are crucial for their well-being. 5. Small mammals: Guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits - these furry creatures bring joy with their playful antics but also require safe environments enriched with toys and bedding. 6. Reptiles: For the more adventurous pet parents, reptiles like snakes or lizards can be fascinating companions but have specific temperature requirements in their habitats. Chameleons are also getting to be a very popular pet! (This link can be a helpful chameleon pet care guide for you) Remember that each type of pet has its own unique care needs and it's important to do thorough research before bringing any animal into your home! Ad Cat Language Bible: How to finally speak Cat! Click to learn more How to become a pet parent Becoming a pet parent is an exciting and fulfilling journey that requires careful consideration and preparation. If you're ready to take the leap into pet ownership, here are some steps to help you become a responsible and loving pet parent. Do your research. Take the time to learn about different types of pets and their specific needs. Consider factors such as size, temperament, exercise requirements, and lifespan when choosing the right pet for your lifestyle. Next, ensure your home is pet-friendly. Create a safe environment by removing any potential hazards or toxic substances that could harm your new furry friend. Set up designated areas for eating, sleeping, playing, and going to the bathroom. Once you've found your perfect companion, it's crucial to establish a routine. Pets thrive on consistency and structure, so establish regular feeding times, exercise routines, and grooming practices from day one. Invest in quality pet food that meets their nutritional needs. Consult with a veterinarian to determine the best diet for your new family member. Regular vet check-ups are also essential for maintaining their health and preventing any potential issues. Provide mental stimulation through interactive toys or puzzles that challenge their minds. This will keep them entertained while preventing destructive behaviors born out of boredom. Finally - love unconditionally! Shower your fur baby with affectionate gestures like cuddling sessions or playtime together every day. Building a strong bond based on trust will create a happy relationship between you both! Ad Brain Training for Dogs: High-quality dog training course to improve your doggo's intelligence and behavior

  • Understanding Pet Parenting: the What and the How of being an effective pet parent

    Quick note: This post may include affiliate links to products that could earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to buy through one of those links. Welcome to the wonderful world of pet parenting! Whether you're a proud dog mom, a devoted cat dad, or an adoring owner of any other furry (or scaly) friend, being a pet parent is more than just having a cute companion. I, myself, am a dog mom to an elderly rescue Shih Tzu good boy named Stewie! Being a pet parent is about nurturing and caring for another living being, providing love, food, shelter, and all the attention they deserve. In this blog post, we will explore what it means to be a pet parent, the responsibilities that come with it, and how pet care can make a difference in your pets' lives. So grab your four-legged buddy (if they're not napping yet) and let's embark on this journey together! Get ready for some paws-itively engaging information on how to make your pet's life even better! Ad Brain Training for Dogs: High quality dog training course to improve your doggo's intelligence and behavior The definition of a pet parent Unlike traditional pet owners who may view their pets as mere possessions or companions, pet parents see their furry friends as cherished members of the family. They prioritize their pets' needs and happiness. Pet parenting involves not only meeting basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and regular veterinary care but also nurturing emotional connections with your fur baby. It means understanding their unique personalities and catering to their individual preferences – from playtime activities to favorite treats. As a pet parent, you take on the role of caregiver, protector, teacher, and trainer – essentially everything that a human parent would do for their child. You provide guidance through training exercises or behavior modification techniques when needed while showering them with affection in abundance. Just as any parent should to their children. And why is pet care so expensive anyway? Well, that's more reason to learn how to be an effective pet parent ourselves for way less. Ad Travel rent-free as a House-sitter and Pet-sitter anywhere in the world! Worldwide housesitters and petsitters directory Pet parenting goes beyond simply owning a pet. In essence, being a pet parent is an ongoing commitment that requires time, effort, and dedication. It's about creating a loving environment where your beloved companion can thrive physically and emotionally. By embracing this role wholeheartedly, you'll experience the pure joy that comes from truly bonding with your four-legged friend(s). Let us look further into what it takes to be an effective pet parent. The responsibilities of a pet parent As a pet parent, it is your responsibility to ensure the well-being and happiness of your furry, scaly, or feathery companion. This goes beyond just providing food and shelter. You need to understand that as a pet parent, you are their primary caregiver, guardian, and advocate. One of the most important responsibilities of being a pet parent is providing proper healthcare for your pet. This includes regular vet check-ups, vaccinations, preventive treatments for fleas and ticks, dental care, and any necessary medical treatments. It's essential to stay up-to-date with your pet's health needs to prevent any potential illnesses or discomfort. When it comes to health, a preventive approach is always preferable and will cost us much less in the long run. Another crucial aspect of responsible pet parenting is providing a safe and stimulating environment for them. This means creating a comfortable living space that meets their physical and emotional needs. Whether you have a dog or a cat (or multiples of them), making sure at all times that they have access to fresh water, suitable litter boxes for cats or designated potty areas, secure fencing if you have an outdoor area, and enough toys for mental stimulation are all part of creating an ideal environment for them. Ad Cat Language Bible: How to finally speak Cat! Proper nutrition is also vital in keeping your pets healthy. Educate yourself about their dietary requirements based on age, breed size (especially if you have dogs), or specific nutritional needs (such as allergies). Providing balanced meals with high-quality ingredients will help maintain their overall health and longevity. Exercise plays an integral role in keeping pets physically fit while also preventing behavioral issues caused by pent-up energy. Regular walks outside or play sessions indoors can promote bonding between you and your fur baby while keeping them mentally stimulated too! Regular grooming is another responsibility that comes with being a pet parent – whether it’s brushing their coat regularly to keep it clean and free from tangles or scheduling professional grooming appointments as needed. Ad Travel rent-free as a House-sitter and Pet-sitter anywhere in the world! Worldwide housesitters and petsitters directory Last but most important - love! Showering your fur babies with affection not only makes them feel loved but strengthens the bond between both of you! Remember: Being a pet parent means taking on the responsibility of caring for another living creature and treating them as part of your family. It is about forming a deep bond, providing love and support, and ensuring their well-being. The journey towards becoming a responsible pet parent requires time commitment as you will be their provider throughout their entire lives. It is always worth it to see our pets happy and healthy. Ad Brain Training for Dogs: High quality dog training course to improve your doggo's intelligence and behavior

  • Opening an online shop is a multitude of feelings. No cap.

    If you are a stay-at-home wife and/or mom, or someone who has got a little extra time just scrolling through Netflix and social media apps but who craves to do something more fulfilling, then the idea of starting an online business such as opening an online shop may have occurred to you. As it did to me. Well, I'm here to say I finally went for it. I got started at least - and that, for me, is quite something already. Tbh, I didn't have the slightest idea how to do it or even how to start. But don't let it faze you. Fortunately, from a simple Google search (that led to another and another), trying to answer my questions from as many reliable sources I could find, ultimately constituting what we would call 'research', I was provided the help I badly needed. It was the help at least to get started as I am sure bigger struggles are yet to come. But hey, getting started is a win in itself, don't you think? By the way, when I say "reliable sources" for your searches, it does not always mean peer-reviewed articles with extensive bibliographies. Loosen up a little but be sensible. This should be self-explanatory. Okay, I'll give you a hint: print-on-demand services. See if that is something you'd be interested in. Or who knows maybe you will come across other ideas and you will let me in on it. Quick note: This post includes affiliate links to products that could earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to buy through one of those links. Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online From the get-go, I already knew what I wanted. I had a vision for my shop but back then the idea was to have it in physical store form. And then the online shopping revolution that has been brewing for more than a decade went full-blown when the capitalistic world as we knew it went into lockdown - as you may well know. Okay, I am obviously not counting the time that e-commerce started to become a thing with the rise in popularity of Amazon and eBay in the late 90s but I digress. Initially, the idea was to get locally sourced products from indigenous groups in the Philippines and around Asia and promote them to the world. Not the small knick-knacks that you always find in touristy spots (i.e., keychains, fridge magnets), but functional and practical items for home, office, and personal use. You see, if I buy these items directly from the locals, I eliminate middlemen fees which are usually hefty especially when they add up, and this will then allow me to market at a lower retail price - which is a win for me and my customers. Additionally, middlemen tend to haggle to the lowest price they could get that indigent suppliers are left with miserly profit, sometimes even selling their merchandise at a loss. I have seen it happen. It's not pretty. Let's make sure our suppliers also win. So, yes that was what I wanted to do. Every time I find myself in a new place, new island, new city - I go into novelty shops and gift shops that have similar items on sale, check their price points, compare them with other shops and with the prices of raw materials and calculate labor and transport costs, that sort of thing. Although my original idea did not materialize as the years went on, I still find myself drawn to it. This is why when I realized that I could actually set up and manage a similar shop online and in my free time without the burden of coming up with a sizable amount for starting capital, not to mention the stress, time, effort, and lots of people interaction that goes into putting up an actual physical shop, I was thrilled! Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online I decided that, as much as possible, my products would still be the biodegradable, organic, and reusable kind as originally planned. Although I will not be able to meet my local sources myself and be able to learn from their ways and cultures, as exciting as it sounds. I can at least assure myself that I get to encourage the use of earth-friendly materials by making them available for sale and giving consumers a choice. iykyk. So, I mustered up the courage and fought through my procrastination. Opening an online shop is a multitude of feelings. I just had to write it. Many people would probably say that I am late to the game but I do not see it that way. There is plenty of room to learn creative ways to market and promote products online even in a saturated arena. Most importantly, I don't think it would matter much to me whatever the outcome of this endeavor will be, because right now I am simply happy to get started and I did it myself and for myself. Again, the way I see it, I am already winning. You can, too. I mean it does not have to be another e-commerce business like an online shop. It can be anything you've been thinking of doing for yourself that would be fulfilling and productive for you. It could be painting, doing pottery, a vegetable garden, or writing a book. The circumstances don't have to be perfect or the timing to be right, it does not even have to be the way you dreamed it should be. It just has to feel right. Padayon! __________________________________________________________ Ad Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online

  • Affiliate Marketing could be the next thing for me.

    Quick note: This post includes affiliate links to products that could earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to buy through one of those links. For the past few weeks, I have been thinking a lot about venturing into affiliate marketing. This could easily be a long story but I'll with this: I have been a freelance writer, doing remote work, since 2019. Freelancing has been a great respite for me from years and years of corporate jobs while sustaining my thirst for travel. It was a great blessing not to have to deal with what most traditional company-employed workers went through during the pandemic months (years, for some). I was also blessed to have landed a great company, a great boss/Managing Editor, and a virtual working team and support staff. For the past year though I went through a sabbatical. For personal and health reasons, I had to focus on keeping myself well and above ground. Since January I have kept myself busy moving to a new apartment, and everything that comes along with it, dog-sitting a shih tzu who has terrible abandonment issues (it's another story that I may get to tell one of these days), and tending to plants which is, hand-to-heart, a never-ending science project. Lately, however, I have been feeling like I could allocate some of my time towards learning more new things that are preferably income-generating, and interesting to me for the most part. The latter is very important because I tend to burn out easily. (Yeah, I'm working on that.) Getting back to my freelance writing gig is still in the books for me, but right now I want to try something new, something I haven't tried before. Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online I got the idea for affiliate marketing as a side hustle from, well, social media. You see, I started making and posting reels of our dog on my personal Instagram account and it became my IG feed's prominent content - replacing my usual travel, nature, and food-related posts. Shortly after, I began receiving DMs from pet store business owners that have an online presence. I never did check if they have physical shops apart from the online stores they were promoting, but that is beside the point right now. As it happens, these online businesses wanted to make our doggo a product ambassador where I'd create content featuring their products, i.e. pictures and/or videos of our little cheeky pup (not quite a pup really, he's 9 years old) in exchange for free exposure of my page on their page, and a range of benefits like small commissions, freebies, discounts, etc. I chatted a few of them up not really intending to do the promotion thing for them but to get an insight into their business strategy - I hope you get the gist. So, after a few exchanges, I did not exactly feel much enthusiasm for it. You see, back when Instagram was just gaining popularity and regular social media users who were still heavy on Facebook, I used to get these types of proposals for clothes, pieces of jewelry, sunglasses, and whatnot with the same perks. The idea just did not appeal to me then. Especially if I have to shell something out for a product that I most likely will not love let alone promote it to my family and friends. But what did appeal to me is the idea of marketing products online for a commission, i.e. as a distributor for a product that I believe in, and authentically advertise it to the general online public. I just have to figure out how to go about it. Recently though, I began seeing feeds from "side hustle" pages on Instagram and Pinterest and affiliate marketing appears to be trending. I am not a Tiktok-er but I can imagine it is blowing up over there, too. Quick PSA though, as we all should know by now with social media, we have to be extra vigilant with the kind of information we absorb. Just because someone with a sizeable following said it does not mean you have to believe it. That goes without saying, I hope. I know I tend to be long-winded before getting to my point, often digressing, but here we are. Long story short, the idea of affiliate marketing caught my attention and I found myself reading more about it online. If you have come across this blog by chance and you happen to be interested in earning extra income with your laptop or mobile phone and internet access, then affiliate marketing could be something that you can look into as well. I encountered several sites where you can sign up and hop onto the affiliate marketing bandwagon such as Clickbank, Rakuten Advertising, ShareASale, Peerfly... there's plenty out there. I also came across these easy-to-use online platforms that can help you provide resources and information if you are looking to be a freelancer and taste the life of a digital nomad. Data entry jobs, social media management, app reviews, and virtual assistant jobs are just some of the remote work opportunities that you can choose from. Here are some links: Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter (X), and YouTube Get paid to review apps on your phone Get paid to do simple writing jobs online Feel free to check them out and see which ones will work for you. I did say I tend to be long-winded but, at any rate, when it comes to side gigs I believe in encouraging everyone to do their own research as opposed to simply jumping into something that they saw on the internet blindly. Suggestions from promoters, marketers, and writers like moi will simply remain suggestions. The final decision is always yours. Do your pros and cons at your own time and pace. I will be doing the same. Ciao!


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